Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More of the same

I got up this morning and looked out the window and we had gotten just a dusting of new white snow. There were no tracks or anyting in the snow and it sparkled as the sun hit it. Every weekend since Christmas we have gotten 2-4 inches of new snow plus some in between but evey thing has stayed white and clean for more than a month now and with little wind it has been beautiful even with single to double digit temps. The snow has been 3 to 4 feet deep every where since before Christmas and it seems strange to see so much snow and so much nice weather. Of course I know that is going to mean flood water in 4-6 weeks for some folks and that is sad.

It is really neat to drive out on the prairie. Normally there are bare spots in the snow that the wind blows clear and the stubble in the fields stick up through the snow and otherwise break up the beauty of the snow. This year with so much lying on the ground there are no bare spots and it is too deep for the stubble to show through. It is just a vast expanse of unbroken white. Excellent for cross country skiing or snowshoeing. I love the pureity of it all.